Comrades Training – May  

Week 43 to Week 46. 22 April to 19 May
Based on training schedules of the late Don Oliver, Comrades Coach. Adapted and edited by Tom Cottrell.

The groundwork that counts   

Your April – May training programme

Objective: To complete the 62 kilometre Long Club Run within 8 hours.
How to measure if you have achieved it: Complete the 62 kilometre Long Club Run around 5th to 12th May in 8hrs 30mins.

How to achieve it:

  1. Start to taper down your training from Monday mid-May after the long club run.
  2. We will taper for four weeks during May and June.
  3. Beware of feeling too good after your Sunday long club run within the following two days.  Very often the effect only appears later in the week.  Rest well and train cautiously in these times.  Don’t squander your hard-earned fitness.
  4. Avoid substituting speed work as we reduce our distance in the last three weeks.  Harness your energy.
  5. Make careful and realistic calculations for your plan to run 89 km in the Comrades.  Remember Time Management.  Take your pacing chart.  Study it so well you don’t need to look on race day.
  6. Carefully follow the programme below.  Cut back if you feel a bit tired, but don’t run too little too early and lose your fitness.
  7. The art of the game now is to run regularly, as before, but reduce the effort and distance.
  8. You must run 62 kilometers, it’s a dress rehearsal for the big day.
  9. Keep warm while training and wear a reflective belt.  Don’t fall.  Love your wife/husband they need it!!
  10. Tapering means:
              10.1     Run shorter training runs.
              10.2     Run very slightly quicker.
              10.3     Do not do alternative exercise – gym, cycling, no hill sessions, no track work.
              10.4     Focus on the race.
              10.5     East sensibly, sleep longer, reduce alcohol intake.
              10.6     Reflect only on the good training runs and races you have had.
              10.7     Imagine running under the Finish Banner.
              10.8     Dream of arriving back home with a Comrades Medal.
              10.9     Think every day of that medal. Check those shoes again.
              10.10   Honestly I’ve trained well.

Thought for the month:    “Of course I’m going to get my medal.”

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